Hello new students! Welcome to the Carnegie Mellon Racing (CMR)/CMU Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE)/ fastest club on campus website.
Now once the excitement of Orientation begins to settle down you should start to look into some extracurriculars. To save you the trouble of looking through all of the listed clubs that do not build race cars, I’ll just make that point clear – we build race cars. Of course by building I mean we actually engineer each car, then build it, which is totally different and also the reason CMR remains the most rewarding and beneficial organization CMU offers. If you want to learn how to be a real engineer, we will teach you.
To get a better feel for the team, how we operate, and what we do, I recommend looking back through the older posts and pictures down below. They catalog our entire build process up until the competition in Michigan at the end of the year where schools from around the country and across the world compete. This website is also where you can findĀ updates about the team’s progress, learn about our car in the ever-expanding Wiki, check out the awesome sponsors who give us money, and even stalk out our garage via the webcam. You can also follow us on Twitter @CMURacing for more updates.
If you want to be as cool as these guys:

then you’re in the right place.
For more information on our organization and to check out our latest car look out for these IMPORTANT DATES:
Thursday 8/22: Recruitment activities on campus by Scaife Hall
Wednesday 9/4: Activities Fair
Friday 9/6: First new member General Body Meeting