16e Lives! The ECEs have been having lots of fun driving it at high speeds around campus…
Category Archives: News
CMR Competes at Lincoln, 16e Wheels Spinning!
Two weeks ago, 24 Carnegie Mellon Racing team members traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska to compete in the 2016 Formula SAE Electric Competition. On Wednesday, the team worked through the heat of the day and into the night finalizing the assembly of 16e, getting it ready for both electrical and mechanical inspections. Thursday, the team had a chance to display our year of work, starting with our Sales Presentation in the morning. In the afternoon, we presented 16e’s design to judges, showing everything from our mass optimized suspension components to a complete hardware in the loop cart. Friday, we received our results, with 9th in Design Presentation, 9th in Sales Presentation, and 17th in the Cost event. While not quite the results we hoped for, we made CMR history that night by spinning 16e’s wheels, our first successful start of an electric car for two years. Over the past two weeks, the team has made great progress in final troubleshooting and getting 16e race ready. With 16e running and great feedback from design judges, the team is ready to begin work on our next car.
Thanks so much to our team sponsors! Your help to our team has allowed us to develop as a unit and create our best car yet. We appreciate all you’ve done for us, and we hope to keep growing as we start design on next year’s car! Continue following us on our website or the Carnegie Mellon Racing Facebook page for updates as we start working on 17e!
CMR at Maker Faire Pittsburgh 2015
Maker Faire Pittsburgh, the region’s largest showcase of making, building, and creating, is coming Oct. 10th & 11th to the Northside! Part science faire, part show and tell, and part carnival, the Faire features all kinds of makers, with projects ranging from high-tech to low, amateur to professional, and practical to ridiculous!
We are proud to announce that Carnegie Mellon Racing will be part of this year’s Maker Faire! We will be showcasing CMR 15e, an all-electric, Formula-One-style performance racecar from engineers at Carnegie Mellon University.
To learn more about the Faire, including where to get tickets or how you can volunteer, visit the Maker Faire Pittsburgh website here: http://bit.ly/1MXuQUr
CMR Wins 1st in Design at New Hampshire!
Last week CMR trekked to Loudon, NH to compete in the 2015 Formula Hybrid Competition. Over the first couple of days, we worked hard to pass electrical and mechanical technical inspections. During the initial Design Event on Tuesday, we impressed the judges enough to make it into the Design Finals along with IIT, the team with whom we shared a garage bay all week. We kicked off Wednesday morning with a strong Project Management Presentation, earning the third-highest score in this category, and went on to win Design Finals that afternoon for the second year in a row. By Thursday morning, we had secured a good lead and were in first place. However, Tufts swept the Endurance event that day and won First Place, resulting in a Second Place finish for CMR within the Electric Class. But CMR brought home two trophies Thursday night–we also won the prestigious IEEE Excellence in Electric Vehicle Engineering Award.
Thank you to all of you, our generous crowdfund supporters! It was awesome to have so many parents come out to see us compete, and we are looking forward to our next competition, Formula Electric, in Lincoln Nebraska next month!
New 15e Shirts In!
Check out the latest CMR Newsletter!
Our latest newsletter includes an update on the team’s progress and next steps, and features three awesome new members (Bryant Backus, Bob Rudolph, and Eric Reeder) who have been doing great work.
Check it out here!
Additionally, we are very excited about the incredible amount of support that we have received from all of our crowdfunders! We are currently at $8,170, meaning that our goal of $10,000 is within reach. On behalf of the entire Carnegie Mellon Racing team, thank you to our contributors for your outstanding support! If you haven’t already, check out our crowdfunding page and video to learn more about our efforts.
CMR is Crowdfunding!
It’s the final week of CMR’s crowdfunding effort, and we’re giving a strong final push to make our goal of $10,000, which will just cover the electric motors for this year’s electric vehicle.
If you want to check out our crowdfunding video, or to contribute, check out our crowdfunding website.

Our Head of PR sending thank you letters signed by the CMR Executive Board to our generous crowdfund supporters.
The entire team is extremely grateful for all of the support that our friends and family have shown by contributing to our crowdfunding effort. Thanks again!
Chassis Build Underway
CMR 15e is coming together nicely. After numerous hours being spent on the designs of the vehicle, we have just gotten our chassis tubes back from Cartesian and progress is currently being made to weld it together. CMR 15e will be an even greater success than CMR 14e and more updates will be coming on 15e’s status. Thanks again Cartesian!
Fall 2014 Activities Fair
The Carnegie Mellon Racing Team participated in the annual fall activities fair this past week, which gave the team the opportunity to interact with both new and returning students. The activities fair was a great way to increase awareness of our team on campus and that led to a growing interest in our organization. The activities fair was a huge success as the team was able to recruit several new members for this upcoming year and that will aid us greatly in our goal to build a new electric vehicle from scratch.
More Accolades For CMR
The Formula SAE Hybrid Competition in New Hampshire was a great learning experience for our team and it was a great way to prepare the team for the Formula SAE Lincoln Competition. CMR received the IEEE’s Engineering the Future Award for meeting the requirements of being a “highly integrated team representing multiple IEEE technologies of interest, a vehicle that piques interest as a proper race car, and design and fabrication both ingenious and interesting.” CMR is grateful for this award and we hope to continue our success at the Lincoln Competition as our aim is to place 1st overall.